Rev. Mary Louise Ruffner

“We envision a world where personal responsibility joins with social conscience in every area of the political, corporate, academic, and social sector, providing sustainable structures to further the emerging global consciousness.”

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‘We’re all in this together” is a common phrase that began with the outbreak of Covid-19. It describes the unique relationship and the universal affect and effect we experience while interacting with one another. The subsequent outbreak of the chronic disorder of racism reinforces the significance of the saying.

While the gardener does not physically see the interaction that takes place between the seed she plants and the soil in which it is placed; nonetheless, in due season not only does the gardener see the evidence in full bloom, everyone does. The flower, fruit, or vegetable yield its color, its fragrance, its taste and its texture to all alike. Yes, we are all in this together.  We each have the power to plant seeds that produce the highest good for everyone. 

Likewise, there is a similar activity that takes place in the mental realm of humanity. For example, our beliefs, feelings, and emotions unconsciously fall into the energy of the one creative mind, like seeds being planted in soil. In due season these vibratory sensations are evidenced in the physical realm where they are experienced. Everyone who resonates with the mindset, are subject to them. We are all in this together. Our state of consciousness has the power to comfort and heal when we let it.  

Every choice we make, consciously or subconsciously, affects everyone, to some degree.

The Master Teacher, Jesus, understood the interconnectivity of humanity. He provided a simple lesson to support us in our quest for well- being in our lives. It is a lesson of good will toward all. He taught: “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, …” 2  This mandate suggests the necessity of mindfulness. It suggests making conscious choices. Yes, we each have the power to choose the physical seeds we plant AS WELL AS the mental beliefs, feelings, and emotions we embrace. 

From this perspective of interdependence, we may say yes, we are our brother’s keeper. From the high mysticism of Oneness, we may affirm I AM my brother.

As we step into the greater-yet-to be that awaits us, and when our masks of separation are finally removed, the emerging consciousness affirms a resounding yes!  as citizens of the planet, we’re all in this together.

This Weeks Affirmation

I know that the positive thoughts I think everyday produce the highest good for everyone.
By Mary Jane LaBonte, RScP

3 thoughts on “TOGETHER

  1. I’m still pondering on “Stay the course”, it is so helpful. It takes vigilance to be mindful of my thoughts . Too difficult without support.I appreciate the garden analogy. As a Rose I might get my support from a daisy or a dandelion, if I’m open, I’m grateful for all support. Thank you for your clear words of support. Blessings and love


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