Rev. Mary Louise Ruffner

Early on in my personal pursuit of Truth and Happiness, I stumbled upon The Science of Mind and began to learn about my relationship with Divine Mind. I read somewhere that we (humans) do not “think.” We think that we think, while all the time there is Something thinking through us. This concept was nothing more or less than a riddle that I could not wrap around my mind.   I also learned early on, if I did not relate to a particular concept, to just leave it alone for the time being, and I did. 

Throughout the years I enjoyed chanting the words, “I’m a channel letting God’s ideas flow through me.”  I loved hearing the words from songs such as “Flow Through Me Holy Spirit,” and “Use Me.” I cannot count the times I have affirmed, “There is only One Life. That Life is God, and That Life is my life now,” and “God in me as me is me.”

Most of the time, I simply enjoyed the moment while I affirmed these various statements of Truth. I was not necessarily “thinking” about how I was teaching myself what I needed to know. Now I realize, words of Truth are forever thinking through everyone.  They are The God-Power; The Omnipresence; The First Cause; and The Only Life Force there is. They are the Original Word of Power that creates everything out of Its own image.

The Creative Word of Power is Love; is Peace: is Harmony; is Joy. It is the Ultimate Good imaginable about any experience in life. This word (choose any one) is God’s idea flowing through humanity that I sang about and spoke about. However, with my own free will, the creative power within me is filtered through what I believe is so about these divine qualities of my inherent spirit.

When the idea of Love is filtered through a belief that someone else is responsible for how I feel about myself; or, if ideas of Peace and Harmony are filtered through a belief that differences means separation and I must take sides; or, if the idea of Joy is filtered through a belief that challenges and change represent adversity and pain, then the big idea, or the divine idea moving through me,  is watered down and a mirage of false beliefs becomes the experience, the effect, the apparent issues of life.  

When I was a child, there was an expression that was used when someone did something unexpected, disapproving, and rather audacious at another’s expense.  The offended would ask, “What’s the big idea? In other words, “What were you thinking? Or What’s your intention and motive here?

In such times when you may be entangled in a self-created web of confusion, it is good to stop and ask yourself, “What’s the big idea here?” 

The big idea of Love, Peace, Harmony and Joy are always thinking through you. They are the All-Powerful Word that brings about fulfillment in the very thing you desire; i.e., health, wealth, right relationships, career and so on and so on.

Spiritual practices such as meditation, spiritual mind treatment, inspirational reading, affirmations and visioning have a tendency to lead you to Truth and Happiness. Try it, you might like it.

This Week’s Affirmation

Look at me! I AM always a perfect idea in the mind of God!
By Keith Childers

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